In Prison...

April 23, 2016. Saturday

Around 2400 inmates.
Central Prison, Kathmandu, Nepal.

40 male inmates in a hall of the prison.
"I am responsible to here today because of you" says Jiban BK, who is accused of acid-attacking.

He continued "I did it in anger and with feeling of vengeance. If I had known done these meditation and pranayams before, I would not have been captive of my fleeting emotions. And I would not have done that and I would not have been here."

Rotary Club of Rajdhani had organized a Service Campaign in the Central Jail of Nepal with The Art of Living Nepal. 40 male and 30 female inmates were placed in the session consecutively. Rajendra Shrestha, founding President of the Rotary Club, Shrijana Shrestha of Rotary Club, Bhawesh Khanal and Lila Lamichhane, faculty of The Art of Living Nepal, facilitated the sessions with the volunteer team.

All the inmates were in peace and had a sign of relief in their face after the yoga session conducted by The Art of Living faculties. They were happy after taking the session and wanted few more sessions in the upcoming days. The Rotary Club, The Art of Living Nepal and the prison administrations are working out to find out a solution for that.

Luckily, the session was held next week as well. But this time for the new set of audience. Around other 50 male inmates were able to attend the session. Thanks for the prison administrations and teh organizing team. It was sad to hear their stories. In some way I felt lucky after seeing them. Lucky in the sense that I have got so much of freedom in life: I can travel freely, go anywhere and do whatever I want (unless it is illegal!). There are several other service being done by the Rotary Club and The Art of Living. The Art of Living has successfully transformed millions of prisoners so far. I was fortunate enough to bring changes in life of a few.

View of Central Prison from nearby house


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