Indra Jatra 2012 at Basantapur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Indra Jatra, a festival started by the then king Pratap Malla, has a unique vibe and brings glory into the Kathmanduits, specially the Newars.
Ganesh and Bhairab in 'Kumari Mandir'
I, though being a Newar, had never experienced the glory of this very festival. And this time, I was lucky enough to be a part of the fest. It was for the first time that I pulled the chariot (called "rath") from Ason to Kumari Mandir. The moment I hold the rope of the chariot, I was a bit nervous, then a friend of mine, Dhruba Sunuwar, suggested me not to be too close to the chariot. After a while, he too joined me. We were energetic and vigorous at the moment. In between, I was about to be struck and be wounded; thanks to my luck, I didn't get wounded! Some of others did,

There was a crowd of youngsters eager to get "aila" (meaning "locally made alcohol"). It is beilived that drinking aila makes you free from diseases. The aila drinking ceremony takes place only once a year! Being aware of the fact that I might get physically hurt in the crowd, I decided to postpone the aila drinking part. Next, we went to the Kumari Mandir (the temple of "Kumari", meaning "living goddess") and had a chance to  worship the ""Ganesh" and "Bhairab". We were unable to worship "Kumari" but had a glimpse of her though.

Aila comes out from the pipe shown.
Few moments later we happened to passby the place where aila was being distributed. The crowd had disappeared then. I became sad for I couldn't get to taste it. I noticed a (drunk) man with a bottle, in his hand, one-fourth filled with aila. I couraged to ask him a little, and I had a bit of aila in my palm. I felt terrible when it passed through my neck!!

Me with the Lakhey

I saw people taking photographs with "lakhey" (the guard of Taleju Mandir). He was tired but not enough to say no to a snap. I hurried and asked my friend to take a picture of mine with lakhey. He agreed!

And I regret for not being a part of this festival until now! Waiting for the next year. Waiting for the next Indra Jatra!

Basantapur twinkling at night tearing out the darkness during Indra Jatra.


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